Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So I definitely think that people gained honor and glory in the society was interesting; however, it could be similar to the way that our society views it. In our country, like Beowulf's society, it is very honorable to die in war.... and you can receive great glory from your battle .... and our society does rank status by wealth.... so I guess it's not AS different as I thought, though we go about giving the recognition in a different manner!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope some of my rambling made since!!!!


emilee said...

Well, a little bit made sense, but not much!! go figure! jk! I can see some similarities like you said, but there are many many differences... also we don't like violence quite as much as the vikings!!

Dylan said...

The story did represent things like we view today in our society like dying with honor in battle and status in America, except without the monsters and dragon.

Anna said...

Yeah I agree that there are some similarities with status and stuff but beyond that...

Colin said...

Today's standards are different but have similar ways how they saw things what they needed to do. I can see where they both try to achieve something in there life before they go to the undertaker, but i see that people today are more worried about being rich rather than having glory i guess. kinda goes hand and hand..