Saturday, June 21, 2008

I'm so proud of myself!!! After many weeks of procrastination, I started reading my first book. I am reading The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton. I've only read lyk 4 pages, and I have no clue whats going on, but I think that I may have a thesis statement, even though I have no clue if the statement is anywhere near relevent to the contents of the book... so ya....


Ms. Paradise said...

Let me know if you need any help! It's a great book. there is a pretty good movie, too. But DANGER! it's WAY different than the book. I'd wait to watch it AFTER you wrote the paper.

Carmen said...

Alex, I can't figure out how you get a thesis statement out of the first four pages of a book. I really wish I could do that. Also, 70 in a 30!?!? And you didn't get a ticket?!?! Wow.

montana said...

Hey. So I wish I could come up with a thesis after only reading the first few pages. I usually finish the book and still have to try to think of one. So lucky you. :)

JCat said...

I don't know, coming up with a thesis after just four pages just seems... dangerous to me.

You've probably got it done by now, but if you do that again, just be careful and don't become too attached to it. Your thesis may need to change eventually.