Thursday, September 25, 2008


for some reason my indents didn't work on any of the posts!!!!

Senior Journal Entry Number 10: Homecoming Week

Word Count: 258

This year homecoming week has been a blast. I absolutely love the dress-up days. My favorite day was Mardi Gras day, but I can not wait until tomorrow. Spirit Day is going to be so much fun, I am definitely going to be decked out. I am going to have a ton of fluorescent attire on. I am going to have a fluorescent shirt, fluorescent socks, fluorescent head-band, fluorescent fingernails, fluorescent war-paint, and I am going to spray my hair 7 different colors. I am definitely going to be unmissable. (which I do not think is a word, but I like it)
Pajama day on Monday was great, though I still got up and showered, I loved being totally comfortable the whole day. Plus the fact that we did not have to wear shoes was great. I also liked Decades day, though I did not dress up, it was still fun. Jersey Day was Wednesday and I like it. I wore a Plainfield jersey and everyone hated me, it was great!!!! I had so much fun throughout the week, and the homecoming games, itself, is going to be a blast.
I definitely went and helped do hall-decorating. Seniors definitely dominated!!!!! We had a blast decorating the hall. We did not do it last year, but we made up for it this one. It looked amazing, the underclassmen definitely did not have a chance. It took us all of the three hours that they gave us, and it was awesome!!! I had an absolute blast decorating the hall!!!!

Senior Journal Entry Number 9: Powder Puff

Word Count: 250

So this year I was talked into playing power puff. It was so much fun, and I loved it. The seniors definitely dominated. I had so much fun at practices, and during the games. I definitely love having permission to beat others up. Something about that makes me happy.
When I came to the first practice, I had absolutely no clue about football. I had absolutely to idea about anything. I had heard a few things, but I did not understand anything. I had never even attempted to play before, so everything had to be explained to me. I started out as a tight-end, but then as some of the girls dropped out, I played tackle.
Before the game I went to Emilee’s house to get ready. I had so much fun getting ready for it, though we did not do too much. I had not had a chance to just sit and relax in such a long time, it was so nice to be able to do that. We put on war-paint, tall socks, and we did a bunch of other stuff.
The games were really fun. We definitely beat the freshmen first, and then we beat the sophomores. They definitely did not have a chance. I had a blast playing, and I now know a little bit about what is going on, but I still do not know much about football. I think that football is fun now, and I will probably play again in the future!!!!

Senior Journal Entry Number 8: FIRE

Word Count: 250

I absolutely LOVE fire, and a few weeks ago I got to go to a fire-training day. They burnt down a house, and they practiced putting it out. It was so much fun because I got to hang out with the firemen, and they let me put on the gear. They also went and got a bunch of soot, and they smeared it on my face. It was kind of nasty, but it was a blast.
I had so much fun playing with everything. I definitely would not have done anything like that before, but I have definitely been changing lately. I have been trying to start doing new things. I enjoyed the fire so much because I have been branching out more. I also had a great time because there were a bunch of firemen there. They were really nice and fun to hang out with.
We took so many funny pictures during the fire, and in the gear. It was so much fun. I was there for most of the day. I just sat around and made fun of most of the guys. I love how the firemen are putting out a fire one minute, and smoking the next. The irony behind that is great!!!
I absolutely love playing with fire. Bonfires are the best. I love setting the fires, and hanging out around them. Some of the best parties I have been to have been bonfires. Bonfires are so much fun, and I love them a lot!!!!

Senior Journal Entry Number 7: Alabama

Word Count: 284

A few weeks ago, I went to Alabama. I had a blast!!!! I got to meet a lot of my extended family that I had never even heard about. I had so much fun!!! I had never traveled south before, and I got to drive seven hours on the way there. We followed some friends from church because they had a family reunion like a half hour away from us. They decided to stop like every hour, and we had a blast!!!!
While we were there we had a lot of fun!!!! We did not do a whole lot, but we spent time with family, which was fun. We also went to a birthday party for my aunt, she turned 80. I got to play with a bunch of babies, which I had not gotten to do in awhile. I love babies, they are so much fun to play with. I love it!!!!
I job-shadowed Charley while I was there. I sat and watched her take picture for like 6 hours. It was kind of boring, but she took some really good pictures. I absolutely loved Alabama, and I had a blast. I am going back soon, and can not wait. I got to drive the whole way back, nine hours straight. It was crazy!!!!
I absolutely love road trips, especially when there is a hurricane coming in behind us. We passed many evacuation centers on our way home, and it was kind of interesting. We actually left early so we would miss the storm, and I am so glad that we did because I would not have wanted to drive the whole way home in a storm.

Senior Journal Entry Number 6: Creeking

Word Count: 253

A few weeks ago I was invited to go creeking. You may not have heard of this, I definitely had not. I absolutely had so much fun. There were three of us, and we basically just played in the creek. Then we just sat there in the water and talked for a while. I have an amazing time.
I had so much fun the first time that we decided to go again. This time we were not the only people at the creek, but it was still fun. So we were sitting in the creek, and all of a sudden people started yelling at us to get out. We just kind of sat there because we were not really paying attention, then someone came over and told us that there was a snake swimming our way, and that it was probably a good idea to get out. So we definitely ran out of the water, and went and looked at the snake. It was probably the smallest snake I had ever seen, but I am glad that I was not in the water when I saw it. I would have definitely freaked out.
We have so much fun creeking, that we are planning on going more often. We are actually going to invite a lot more people, and we are going to have like a cook-out on the shore. It is going to be a blast, like it always is!!!!! I absolutely love creeking, and can not wait to go again soon!!!!

Senior Journal Entry Number 5: Senior Year

Word Count: 251

So far, senior year has been AMAZING!!! I absolutely love senior year. I love everything about it. I feel so close to my future, and I am so excited to finally be almost done with high school. I love all of the perks that coming with being a senior. It is so much fun, and I can not wait until graduation.
I love all of my classes. My days go by so fast. I love everything about it. I have been trying new things. I do not care about much anymore, and I feel a lot freer. I think it is so much fun. I am so much more relaxed now than I have ever been before, yet I am doing so much more. I absolutely love school, but I cannot wait until I get out of it.
I have been so busy with everything, and I have been having the time of my life. I love being busy, and a lot of the things that I am doing are really fun. I am absolutely loving this year. I have been doing so much lately that I would have never imagined myself doing before.
I never thought that being a senior would be this amazing, but I really am having the time of my life. I am really enjoying everything about having seniority. I am so excited for second semester when things do not really count, and I can be strictly focused on fun!!!! I absolutely love being a senior!!!

Senior Journal Entry Number 4: Church Activities

Word Count: 260

My church has a lot of activities for people to get together. On Tuesday nights, all the youth meets at the church. We play games, have meetings, and do service projects. It is a blast, I have gotten so close to the youth lately. I love them so much. I am the second oldest in the youth and the oldest girl, so I also go to YSA.
YSA, or young single adults is every Saturday night. It is for young single adults from 18-30. I just started going, but it is so much fun. We basically do anything that we want. So far we have played dark dodgeball, a mofia game, DDR, and watched a movie. The movie that we watched was actually the first scary movie that I had ever seen. Yes, I live a sheltered life. It was a blast, and we are actually going to have a scary movie marathon this Saturday night.
I love all of the little activities that the church has. They allow me to be able to be around people that believe the same as I do. I absolutely love everything about it. I have so much fun. All of the people are great to be around. I enjoy all of the activities that we do. I LOVE hanging out with them. We get together outside of the activities and do the most random stuff. We do to the movies, putt-putting, ice-skating, laser-tagging, and basically anything we think is fun. I absolutely love hanging out with them!!!

Senior Journal Entry Number 3: the Hospital

Word Count: 260

On Wednesday nights I volunteer at the Hendricks Regional Hospital in Danville. I volunteer in the Emergency Room. I sign people in, and I make sure that they get where they need to be. I also make sure everyone in the emergency room is happy, well as happy as can be considering that they are in the Emergency Room. I absolutely LOVE volunteering there. I love being able to help others, and I have so much fun. I started out just volunteering at the hospital because it would look good on my college application, but not I volunteer because I love it so much.
The employees are so much fun to hang out with. I love the atmosphere at the hospital, and I am contemplating a career in the medical field. I am thinking about going to medical school, but I am not sure yet. I do not know if I want to go for school that long or not, but I would really enjoy that career.
I think that it would be fun to be a counselor, but I think that I may talk too much to do that career. I like to help others, and to help them get through hard times in their lives. I think that I could be a positive influence on people, and I think that I could possibly change someone’s life for the better. I like giving people advice and I do not think that I am too bad at it. Being a counselor would really be something that I would enjoy.

Senior Journal Entry Number 2: Seminary

Word Count: 259

Every week-day morning I wake up at 4:55 a.m., so I can leave my house at 5:30 and go to seminary. Seminary starts at 6:00 a.m. at my church building in Plainfield. A lot of the youth meet there, and we have so much fun. We are studying the Bible this year, and it is so much fun. I really love going to seminary in the mornings. I have an amazing time there.
Our seminary teacher is absolutely AMAZING. She is really nice, and awesome at everything she does. She is so much fun to be around. I love being able to go in the mornings, and start my day out on a positive note. We do so many fun things. She is always coming up with something new to do to make things more interesting. The games we play are so much fun. I love all of the little activities that we do, they are so amazing.
I have so much fun going to seminary, you may think I am crazy, but it is great. I’m actually getting used to waking up early. I really enjoy going to seminary every morning, and seeing a lot of my friends. It is so awesome to be able to get together with them every morning. It is nice to start off your day with people that share the same values and standards as you. It really wakes me up for school, and I feel that I am able to pay more attention in my classes. I really LOVE going to seminary.

Senior Journal Entry Number 1: My Summer

Word Count: 287 words

My summer was absolutely AMAZING!!!! I did so many things that I had never done before. I also met so many new people. It started out with me working at Latchkey on Mondays and Tuesdays, volunteering at the hospital on Wednesdays, and working at my uncle’s warehouse on Thursdays and Fridays. I had so much fun with this schedule because I love to be busy; however, I was having a hard time finding time for other fun activities.
There was a month where I was gone every other week, and it was absolutely amazing. My first week I went to EFY, which is a church program that was hosted by IU Bloomington. I met so many new people, and I really enjoyed my stay on the campus. I then went to Girls’ Camp in Tippecanoe County. I again had so much fun. We did so many things that I had never done before, such as zip-lining. Then I came home for a week. The next week I went to Youth Conference, yet another church activity.
Youth Conference was one of the highlights of my summer. We had so much fun. We rode on buses, rented school buses, to Kentucky. The bus ride was amazing. It was around five in the morning when we left, and a bunch of us sat in the back of the bus and played around while everyone else tried to sleep. We then came back to the church building in Plainfield, and we had a dance. The dance was absolutely amazing. I had met so many people in the week, and the dance just brought all of us so much closer. I HAD AN AMAZING SUMMER!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

So I am definitely in 4th period trying to get this done..... I totally forgot to do this over the weekend... so anyway.... Sir Gawain is definitely an epic hero. He has many of the qualities of a hero, such as bravery and dedication, but he is also flawed. He lies to protect himself by not giving him the girdle. I think that the Green Knight isn't necessarily good, but I would definitely not consider him evil. The color green can mean many different things and I think that it is used differently at different points in the work. At times I think it is used to reflect the inexperience of the characters, but at other times I think it is used to describe more of personal character traits......................

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So I definitely think that people gained honor and glory in the society was interesting; however, it could be similar to the way that our society views it. In our country, like Beowulf's society, it is very honorable to die in war.... and you can receive great glory from your battle .... and our society does rank status by wealth.... so I guess it's not AS different as I thought, though we go about giving the recognition in a different manner!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope some of my rambling made since!!!!