Thursday, September 25, 2008

Senior Journal Entry Number 7: Alabama

Word Count: 284

A few weeks ago, I went to Alabama. I had a blast!!!! I got to meet a lot of my extended family that I had never even heard about. I had so much fun!!! I had never traveled south before, and I got to drive seven hours on the way there. We followed some friends from church because they had a family reunion like a half hour away from us. They decided to stop like every hour, and we had a blast!!!!
While we were there we had a lot of fun!!!! We did not do a whole lot, but we spent time with family, which was fun. We also went to a birthday party for my aunt, she turned 80. I got to play with a bunch of babies, which I had not gotten to do in awhile. I love babies, they are so much fun to play with. I love it!!!!
I job-shadowed Charley while I was there. I sat and watched her take picture for like 6 hours. It was kind of boring, but she took some really good pictures. I absolutely loved Alabama, and I had a blast. I am going back soon, and can not wait. I got to drive the whole way back, nine hours straight. It was crazy!!!!
I absolutely love road trips, especially when there is a hurricane coming in behind us. We passed many evacuation centers on our way home, and it was kind of interesting. We actually left early so we would miss the storm, and I am so glad that we did because I would not have wanted to drive the whole way home in a storm.

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