Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Omgoodness...I can't believe my first year of college is almost done, I have gone through so much and done so many new things. I have been so busy that I don't do much of the things that I used to do, or the things that I love. I can't wait until this summer when I have more time for other people and things that are important to me. I have changed so much since I've come to college, so bad and some good. I need to change some things to get to where I want to be, but that won't be too hard. I can't wait until this summer, it is sure looking up. I will hopefully get some time to relax and think about myself and what I really want. I'm debating a lot of things right now but I have so much going on that I'm not sure if I am thinking clear enough to make some of the decisions that I need to be making soon. I have to move out in a week, and that is going to be hard too. Though I don't stay in my dorm much, there is something about having it there and having my own space that I love. I no longer really have a room at home, so that was my place, but now I have to move out and idk where I want to go yet or what I want to do. I find it hard sometimes to actually just sit and think, but when I do I tend to get upset. I remember the past and the present, I do not necessarily like certain events from the past and I see how they are affecting my present. I also miss people and things from the past, my family too. I just think that this week is going to be awesome, because I know it's the last one til I can be "me" again!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010


Today is a good day, but I've just got to say that I'm tired of ignorant people. I'm tired of the people that are trying to be people they are not. We are in college for crying out loud. What is the point of lying and arguing and trying to be someone you're not??? What kind of life is that? Always trying to be someone else, why can't people just be themselves, isn't that good enough? Why do people have to lie???? Can't they see it hurts the people around them, and also hurts them too when they get caught, and 9 out of 10 times the truth comes out eventually, so why not skip the middle part and be an adult and tell the flippin truth. Then you won't have to worry bout getting caught up or anything, it's simple. Don't lie, and be yourself. That's all I have to say right now....people can be very ignorant.... not saying that I never am, but I try my best to be myself and to tell the truth.... it's easier that way....!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

For Meaghan

Life is crazy. School, work, church, boy, family, friends, basketball....repeat that over and over and that is my life. I love life though, I never seem to be able to predict it anymore. It used to be so simple when I lived at home, but things have changed, and everything is different. New. Not much is what it seems to be, and people aren't who they seem to be either. I was shocked as I moved to college and realized all the things that my parents had done their best to protect me from for so long was right in front of me, and it was my decision to choose now. At times I feel alone, though I know I'm never alone, sometimes it is really hard. Sometimes I'm not sure if this is the direction in life that I want to be taking, so I'm living every day, one by one, until I figure out what I really want, more like I know what I really want, I just need to figure out how to get it. I used to have everything planned out, but it seems as if I do not remember any of that plan, as I'm not even sure what I want to do with my life, I'm currently in the process of defining my major more, possibly changing. I have changed so much that I'm not sure what I want anymore, if it is all worth it. But I have faith that everything will work out. I know that everything that I am going through is just because I have to figure things out for myself. Through all of this not knowing things, I am really happy, because I know no matter what that Heavenly Father is always there and my family, and that is a big comfort to me!!!