Friday, March 26, 2010


Today is a good day, but I've just got to say that I'm tired of ignorant people. I'm tired of the people that are trying to be people they are not. We are in college for crying out loud. What is the point of lying and arguing and trying to be someone you're not??? What kind of life is that? Always trying to be someone else, why can't people just be themselves, isn't that good enough? Why do people have to lie???? Can't they see it hurts the people around them, and also hurts them too when they get caught, and 9 out of 10 times the truth comes out eventually, so why not skip the middle part and be an adult and tell the flippin truth. Then you won't have to worry bout getting caught up or anything, it's simple. Don't lie, and be yourself. That's all I have to say right now....people can be very ignorant.... not saying that I never am, but I try my best to be myself and to tell the truth.... it's easier that way....!!!

1 comment:

Meaghan said...

amen! i love love love it..people should freaking tell the truth!