Thursday, June 19, 2008

Today I was driving home from the school and I realized that I was going 70 in a 30 and was lyk "woah i better slow down." so i did and didn't think anything else of it....until..... two houses down from my house i get pulled over by not one, but 2 cops....who had clocked me at going 58 in a 30....thank goodness they didn't get the whole i ended up getting a written warning(which they said was my graduation present, since they asked me tons of questions including what grade i was in) .....they said that they both knew wat my car looked like and planned to watch out for me.... so ya.... i didn't at the time, but now i think its kinda funny.....


Anonymous said...

Lucky. No warnings for Carmen or me.

montana said...

Holy cow!!! They were looking out for you and you still got away with a warning, nice. I myself have gotten one of those before, haha...not. Everytime I see a cop, even if I am not speeding I get nervous, but oh well. Guess you got lucky. :)